Richard Murphy is dedicated to sharing the wonders and value of nature with students and the public. His goal is helping people better understand how nature works, with a focus on ecological processes that are fundamental to all systems – marine, terrestrial and human. With this understanding, students and audiences explore how we can live more sustainably and gently on the planet.
This interdisciplinary and holistic approach is infused into all of the programs Richard creates. Because coral reefs are threatened and possess many parallels to human communities, Dr. Murphy has created a number of products and program that focus on reefs.
Cities Under the Sea: Coral Reefs CD-ROM

Cities Under the Sea: Coral Reefs CD-ROM is a visually stunning, information packed adventure through the world of the coral reef. Through a simulated submarine ride to various undersea laboratories, the adventurer receives a broad and deep understanding of coral reef ecology, biology and connections to humanity. This CD-ROM has over 700 images, 35 minutes of video, 15 minutes of slide shows, and over 70,000 words of text.
Sustainable Reefs
Sustainable Reefs project involves a video and cartoon book, both translated into native languages, which engages students in coastal communities to protect and sustainably manage their reefs.

Friends of the Reef
For young people in developed nations the Friends of the Reef program offers information and activities to help them better understand the value of reefs and their connections to these underwater wonderlands.
Sea Scope
The Sea Scope project includes 52 five-minute video shows, with three-minute question and answer sessions, that give students a broad appreciation of marine ecology and human’s relationship to the sea. See and use these videos at
Ambassadors of the Environment

Ambassadors of the Environment is a “total immersion,” field study program that gives young people an understanding of how the natural world works and how we can apply lessons from nature to help us live more sustainably.